You provide us the real intuition of every knowledge Thanks a lot sir 😃
This guy is so much better than the newer ones like those describing Le Chatelier's principle. Wish they were a little more good.
Super Best 5*
I love you,Sal!
I haven't heard of autoionization in ionic molecules or molecules that can form hydrogen bonds? Is water the only one that can autoionize and why? Also, what are the "right conditions" that gets water into this state?
Thank you so much for this wonderful explanation Sir.
one leagl truth is enough
I have question that why Oxygen Didn't loose both hydrogen attached to it
And why not there is formation of h4O+2 and O2-
Please answer
One of the best videos :d
My question is, why does such a dramatically different molecule still behave like water?
can you repeat yourself more
This is incredible, i'm not even a english speaker, but you were more clear than my professor, WOW!
1 mole ~ 600 quadrillion by my studies
but i dont understand why would the water molecule take only the H+ instead of the whole H atom like in all other chemical replacement reactions ? And also why would the pair of spin up spin down electrons react ,with the other molecule i though electron pairs dont react ?
After I finished watching this I had a very strong impulse to go drink some water and physically sense the Hydronium and Hydroxide ions xD
Thanks for saving my from failing my finals!!!
very interesting video that you have here today very nice
This guy is Jacobe two two
luv u