Muito interessante a história do estrondo sônico. Agora, é fácil entender o porquê de ser proibido nos dias de hoje. Ótimo conteúdo! 🤩
the minecraft water noise at 1:48
Could sonic boom be used as a weapon of some sorts, by flying low over enemy territory?
So IT IS possible to kill someone with a snap (without infinity stones).
An american using km/hr but not mph is the biggest cuck move
bro what is this song in the beginning
who here is from Lebanon looking this up after Israeli jets broke the sounds barrier over Lebanon?
While it is prohibited, israel is intentionally causing sonic booms over lebanese grounds to cause states of fear and panic… 😂
Yes absolutely none of the design was stolen from the Mills M1 was it ?
You guys have no clue how to tell a story with fact .
Next you will say you invented the Volt
The supersonic bang means, for instance, why a helicopter can't move really quickly or fast : an extreme board of its helice goes - when going towards - so fast that it encounters such a kind of sound limit, or is destroyed by the sound waves ... Don't you remember the tac-tac-tac of a copter moving already fast, as it did in the movie Apocalypse Now ?
i can do this to particles around me with my mind. psyduck
A whiplash, too, is actually a sonic boom.
What’s a kilometer?
Mystery not solved scientifically
Finally understand it now. Just watched a video about NASA & Lockheed Martin developing X-59 Quesst and how they are tying to eliminate the sonic boom
I mean the tips of whips produce a sonic boom every time a whip is snapped. Meaning we were supersonic long before we were even airborne.
So the pilot hears nothing
There is no problem if aerodynamics is considered in the design of an aircraft or missile or rocket. The shockwaves are generated by shapes and can be released via design-stage mitigation. Release of forces is a Chinese speciality. Controlled release of forces is an art. Barometric pressures generate heat due to air friction. Hypersonic is when a poorly designed aircraft burns itself to dust. Fonsidering barometric pressures of Q4 2023. Missiles are silly and planes at supersonic are silly. The deliberate pollution generates heat due to aerodynamic inefficiency points and near supersonic/hypersonic(mach3) cross over points. 330m/s is only applicable at sea level barometric altitude and not always true. Missile algorithms need updates or world laugh at anything supersonic and above.
I'm a bit confused about the explaination. The explainaition says that it's the travelling sound waves that get compressed until they suddenly lose that compression since the new sound waves appear in front of the old sound waves after braking the sound barrier, and not behind them, as usual when the plane travels below the speed of sound. But then the explainaiton goes on to say that it's the pressure formed at the front of the plane which creates the initial boom. So, is it just the pressure, is it the sound waves or both? Would I still hear a sonic boom if the plane didn't make any sound?