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MetaFreq Friday, February 7, 2025 11:44 PM


Machu Picchu
South America
1:26 AM
Great Pyramids of Giza
1:26 AM
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Mt. Kilimanjaro
1:26 AM
Angkor Wat
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North America
1:26 AM


How trees talk to each other | Suzanne Simard

"A forest is much more than what you see," says ecologist Suzanne Simard. Her 30 years of research in Canadian forests have led to an astounding discovery — trees talk, often and over vast distances. Learn more about the harmonious yet complicated social lives of trees and prepare to see the natural world with new eyes.

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We're like trees we share with others and we're only found on this planet so far


love your path Suzanne


Damm ... I dam near cried


Je suis une grande fan d’arbres


I don't think that vegans should be allowed in here🤣 They might starve themselves, big danger zone for all vegans.


nice trees


First Nations people always knew this.
Could've saved a lot of time by just talking to Brown people rather than exploiting and abusing them.
Hmmm. I wonder why that didn't happen? 🤔


While trees are often celebrated for their environmental benefits, they can also present challenges in certain contexts. In urban areas, for example, trees can be problematic for infrastructure. Tree roots can damage sidewalks, roads, and even building foundations. The constant need for maintenance, including pruning and clearing fallen branches, can be costly for municipalities. Additionally, leaves and debris that trees shed can clog gutters, leading to water damage in homes and buildings.

Trees can also be a fire hazard, particularly in dry regions. Dead branches and dry leaves create fuel for wildfires, and trees that grow too close to power lines can cause fires if they catch alight or trigger electrical faults. Even healthy trees can be a safety concern during storms, as their branches may fall or they could be uprooted by high winds, damaging property and causing injury.

Another issue is that certain types of trees are invasive, meaning they outcompete local vegetation. These species can disrupt ecosystems, reducing biodiversity and harming native wildlife. For instance, some fast-growing trees deplete the soil of nutrients, making it difficult for other plants to thrive. This can have long-term negative impacts on the environment.

Finally, while trees are essential for producing oxygen, they are also carbon sinks, meaning they absorb and store carbon dioxide. However, in urban environments where air pollution is high, trees may absorb pollutants like nitrogen dioxide and ozone, potentially contributing to the formation of harmful particulate matter in the air. These factors can negatively affect human health, particularly in areas with high levels of pollution.

In conclusion, while trees offer numerous ecological advantages, they can present significant challenges in certain environments, especially when their growth is unchecked or they are not properly managed.


Excuse me. Last time i checked the forrest was all black. Melannated . And if they couldt talk theyre saying these non melanted ones are the ones who took all the carbon out the air.


Trees have souls 🤍🤍🥰🥰💚🌳


God is a awesome…his creation incredible.❤️


I had a supremely connecting experience some years ago after an intense yoga class/weekend. After shivasana (relaxation pose/corpse pose) I unfolded to moving into postures and poses that lasted a long time. It just was and I knew exactly what to do without any instruction or prior knowledge.
Then when I went outside, the trees... my the trees! were bowing to me and I was bowing to them, one by one then in unison they bowed, they saw me - I saw them, they knew me - I knew them, it was such a sacred and blessed time and it lasted days. I actually drove like that with all the trees along the road seeing, knowing, bowing in recognition that I was alive and they were too, seeing and knowing in their way.
I saw, I knew, things.
When some snow fell each snowflake almost introduced themselves to me, things had slowed down so much. The snowflakes were joyous, almost singing wheeee.
Everything was just as it should be and meant to be and there were messages al over the place, plain as plain could be if we just tune in.
It was quite the experience. (I was not on anything :) in case you are wondering.

It all came about naturally from within my heart and my being from the universe or whatever you like to call that.

One message please ....we must not trash our planet.
We MUST reduce plastics NOW.
We are doing so much damage and plastic makers are damaging our planet, we have glass, we have, paper, we have metals. We DO NOT NEED ALL of these single-use plastics WHATSOEVER.
Plastics are toxic, they pollute and kill our environment our fish and animals are in us and in our sacred waters.
Also we MUST reduce and eventually eliminate pesticides, herbicides, insecticides.
Nature has its own way.
We MUST NOT look to )or large corporations) must not make a profit off of plastics, off of these pesticides etc, and they are making money off of the planets misery and other people misery. That must not be a model to follow. We must care more, do more now.
We can regenerate soils by doing crop rotation, fallow practices to allow nitrogen etc and soils to recover.
We must.
We must wake up to our sacred living planet and mind it. Now.
Be well.


Hi. Has this research been carried over to other biomes like deserts? Is it possible that desert trees, like Joshua trees, communicate this way? Or is it unique to firs and birches?


The real problem is that people just don't care. If it doesn't affect them directly and immediately, they dont care. People know that we're killing our planet, and they have no problem continuing to do so. The water, air, earth.... It's all being poisoned, and no one cares. It's either not their problem, looking in the mirror makes them uncomfortable, or its too expensive to do anything about it. Like the trite platitude of 'thoughts & prayers'. You've done your duty and added your 2 cents, and now you can go on with your life, ignoring or forgetting about the issue and doing nothing any differently. You have to make people care and care enough to take action. I've yet to figure out how to accomplish that.


Okay I'll go out on a limb. They talk about their children. Seems like they are all nuts


I talk to them all every day. I tell them how beautiful they are.😂


I forgot that trees remember well good people who pray or sing loudly in a forest and come back in 20 years standing silent at the same place. The trees show their rememberance by a special vibration. And the vibration is completely different if the person had damaged the tree and comes back after 20 years.


My mother told me when I was about 8 years old never ever to cut a tree unless it is really necessary because trees are used for departed humans to rest in a healthy tree for a while and when the tree is cut the resting is disturbed. In our society, our society which believes more than often in matter this knowledge is almost non existent. In India any schoolgirl and - boy knows this.
And there is another fact which nobody knows. It is “Mondholz”, translated from German it is Moonwood. Thanks to Dr. Erwin Thoma we know for certain that the full moon has got a very positive influence to the quality of wood when cut under the full moon.
There is also the situation which scientists cannot explain but not deny and that is the sudden rain to an area where there had been no rain for more than ten thousand years. The rain comes when at that desert place trees had been planted and watered for three years. I know the cause but will never tell it to anybody because the alarmed people would insist that I must go straight into closed rooms of the hospital where people are held who think they are Napoleon.


Jesus loves you. Peace from above.


I’m about to acquire an olive grove of some 200 trees and other fruit trees. I’m beginning to communicate with these trees and I’d like to learn how to be a good custodian for them.


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