Thank you a lot Master Yang ()
Pituitary gland? "Electric fish convert serotonin in the pituitary gland to ACTH and this is used to dramatically change the potassium to sodium ratio for the synapses which then creates an electromagnetic field that is transmitted. " Pretty sure this is what happens to create the Yang Qi. So then it's stored in the lecithin of cerebrospinal fluid. "at least 50% and perhaps up to 80% or more of the CSF leaves the cranial cavity through the cribriform plate, via the perineuronal spaces surrounding the olfactory nerves, to drain into the nasal ..." from
This same practice was in Africa, Nigeria. Naga= serpent, raising the vibration from the base of the spine to the crown
formidable cours ! Merci beaucoup. Et le lien entre les exercices des vidéos précédente et les méridiens dans cette troisième séquence est très bien pensé>. La compréhension est claire ainsi.
Bravo pour la démonstration flash de l'enchainement, un vrai professionnel.
Excellent Video clip! Sorry for chiming in, I would love your opinion. Have you researched - Xeyack Qenaleb Bulldozer (google it)? It is a great exclusive guide for discovering unbelievable techniques to build your Chi energy without the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy after many years got great success with it.
thats true, when i started Qi gong, my friends started to say that you age in reverse because now i look like a teenager but my age is 27. I even feel like a teenager and that is why i have mostly teenage friends.
Half understood Indian system.
First gone to China and get corrupted ; then to America and again get corrupted; worst happened when modern medical professional and (so called) scientists are making theories with linear calculus , Electrical , electromagnetic , megnatic principles.
Wonderfully explained👌💐
Thank you for this series; and making it very easy to understand.
Like everybody else has said my man, this was a great mini-series, thank you so much for translating the basics.
I am 70 years old, practice Martial Arts for 40 years(Tae Kwon Do & Hapkido:Corean styles)now for the last 5 years change to internal medicine (internal Martial Arts)
Studying and practice( 8 Brokades, at sun rise).
Never felt better, all my ailments disappeared.
I recommend to get the books of this excellent Doctor and a master .
Is a retired Engineer from Texas.
Thank you 💞
You may learn much more from Dr. Yang's in depth qigong series:
The physical and the astral
I cant believe how much critical information is in this 3 part video. Its like a body bible hehe. Sooo much makes sense. Coming up with easy ways of increasing body's electricity if anyone has any bright ideas feel free to send me a massage!
So much knowledge...tq..u look great !!